Pest Control

Cockroach Control
Termite Control
Bedbugs Control
Bee Control
Mosquito Control
Wood Borer Control
Lizard Control
Rodent Control
Spider Control
Fly's Control
Tick's Control

What Do Our Company

A pest control company will exterminate a whole host of creepy pests in your home. They will deal with rodents, beetles, termites, wasps, mosquitoes, roaches, bed bugs, termites, and fleas. A pest control company will work with you to assess the level and type of infestation and then set out a plan to eradicate the pests from your home. An exterminator will check for sources of the pests such as garbage or sewers. A good exterminator should liaise with you and your family about the costs, procedures, and preventions as well as the bealth risks associated with that particular infestation.


A smart and effective use of eco-friendly solutions. Safe for your family too. 


We have a great team of highly qualified professionals who undergo rigorous training programmes to ensure that your home, family and business stay protected.


Unsure if your house is infested with pests? Give us a call and our pest expert will thoroughly check the premises for any infestations.


We are not just safe, we are swift too. Our team provides swift response to your calls and suggests effective pest control solutions within minutes.

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Advanced Cockroach Control Service

Cockroach-borne diseases are very common, especially among children. Cockroaches survive extreme climates and are on the lookout for food, which in turn contaminates your kitchen. Image Hygiene uses scientifically proven pest control protocols and safe chemicals for the best protection.

Image Hygiene  specialists can provide you with peace of mind when you are experiencing a cockroach infestation. With access to the latest technology and knowledge, you can rely on image Hygiene pest specialists to find effective solutions for your cockroach infestation. Services may vary depending on the type of cockroach.

Termite Control

We provide complete termite control services with latest technology and products to protect your surrounding area from Termites which are also called as white ants. To control termites, we follow a comprehensive approach to permanently deal with the problem. We ensure proper identification and inspection of the infected areas of your space and perform anti-termite treatment to eradicate termites efficiently.

For anti termite tratment our team  carry out an in-depth inspection of your area using the latest technology and provide the necessary recommendations and solutions to curb the situation if termites are detected.




Bed bugs are harassing pests that cause tremendous stress and discomfort to human beings. Bed Bugs only feed on human blood and lead to severe itching, skin infections and allergies. When bed bug bite a person, they create unpleasant marks on the body that take a long time to fade. You definitely need to hire bed bugs control service for your property immediately.


Bedbugs Service
• Treatment – Eco-friendly and Odourless Spray treatment ensure immediate control and prevention.
• Application of residual solution to prevent molting of bed bugs.
• Followed by second round of treatment after 15 days to kill newly hatched bed bugs and stop the bedbugs lifecycle.
• Packages – 2 Options based on number of services

Bee Control

At this time of year many people will find bees a problem, especially when they swarm, therefore, using the right method of pest control is very important. With the decline in bee populations it seems a shame to exterminate them when they do in fact provide us with the necessary services of pollinating plants and flowers, and of course making honey.

Swarms of bees can be extremely scary, the sheer number of bees and their noise should alert you to their whereabouts, typically a tree, but they may also take a fancy to your chimney stack or a wall cavity. Never try and approach swarming bees as they are liable to sting and we’re not talking one or two stings here!


• The service is completely eco-friendly and our technicians ensure that the bees are not killed during removal
• Bees are essential pollinators and are critical to the eco-system
• Bees are protected by the Indian Wildlife Protection Act of 1972 which makes killing them illegal


Our trained technicians delicately displace bees from the hive using eco-friendly methods. The hive is then removed, forcing the bees to relocate.

Mosquito Control

Usually, the services include a seasonal treatment, where our technitians return every few weeks to spray. We also may offer a one-time service, which is typically done for special events like weddings or parties.

• Seasonal service

• One-time service for special evens

  • Monthly or Yearly contracts

Mosquitos range from being a nuisance to carriers of diseases such as malaria, West Nile, dengue, Zika, and more. It is advised to take mosquito control services frequently to avoid spread of above mentioned dieseases.

Image Hygiene offers a call-out service to deal with mosquito and other pest problems . Our service is fast, effective and offers the highest level of safety for your family.

Wood Borer Control


Wood borers are wood damaging insect that invade and damage structural and furniture wood based on the type and moisture content of the wood. All homes or businesses constructed of natural wood are at risk to wood borer infestations.

Here are some helpful facts about Wood Borers: • Adult beetles lay their eggs in wood cracks. They infest floorboards, furniture, wooden beams and any other wooden objects in your property.
• Larvae burrow deep into the wood where they feed and in the process they make a maze of tunnels over several years.
• If infestation left untreated, timbers within a building can be weaken and may lead to structural failure of timbers.

Wood borer control service:
• A warranted and long lasting solution to your wood borer problem.
• Preserves your precious furniture from wood borer damage.

Lizard Control

Time for Monsoon showers to knock doors at Pune and Pimpari Chinchwad and so is the time for new born baby Lizards to show up crawling on floor, walls and around your house. Don’t let these repulsive Pests scare your loved ones. Majority of calls we receive these days in our Pune and Pimpari Chinchwad office concern the sudden increase in number of lizards at homes. We all know that lizards help in keeping our homes Pest free , but we still don’t relish their sight in our homes. We all make efforts to keep our house lizard free.

Lizards are known to carry salmonella. Even if a lizard appears to be healthy, germs can still be found on their skin that can cause diarrhoea, vomiting, headache, and fever in humans.

Large Lizards Can Cause Major Damage Green Iguana and Nile Monitor are couple of large lizard have sharp teeth and bad tempers. They can cause damage to your yard, shrubbery, and garden. These giant lizards are also known to bite humans.

Pest Control for Lizards-

We provide spray treatment and shoot treatment for Lizard control.

Radent Control

Rodent Management Services :

Ways to get rid of rats and mice

Rodent control is a very potential service of pest control. Rodent Control is controlling infestation and growth of Rodents, that is rats and mice, in a premise. Prevention method should be implemented early, such as mouse traps, rodent repellents mouse traps etc, in order to maintain a rodent-free home. Rodents reproduce rapidly, and small populations become full-blown infestations in very little time. Rat traps, rodent repellents, mouse traps, etc are used for pest and rodent control in a house.

Rodents are some of the most adaptable creatures on the planet and can be extremely difficult to exterminate. It is recommended that anyone experiencing a rodent infestation contact a pest control service professional to arrange for a consultation. Professionals are trained not only to address current infestations but also to prevent future infestations. Scheduling a home inspection may help you get rid of rodents.

Spider Control

In the vast majority of cases, though, a spider is not only a harmless creature but usually helpful. Before killing a spider in the garage, it might be worth looking at its web and counting the number of trapped houseflies found there. Most spiders spend their lives trapping and eating insects, and every bug consumed is one you won’t have to swat or spray. Spiders are especially beloved by many gardeners since they are carnivores that feast on many insects harmful to garden plants.

However, some spider favour in staying closer to the outdoors, weaving their webs in your garden or near your outside lighting. The spiders enter to our homes looking for food and shelter. The next common method through which they entry is accidentally hitchhiking inside boxes, on outdoor items and numerous other things that are brought inside your home or business premises.

Are you looking for expert spider control & removal services? We at Image Hygiene provides professional spider control services to remove spiders completely from your site or place. We offer green and environment friendly pest solutions for any kind of dangerous spiders. To get rid of spiders, get rid of all other bugs. Crack and crevice treatment with insecticides provide some control, but one can also use glue boards or sticky traps. These are non-pesticide capture mechanisms.

. Some can be folded into a box shape so that unintended items won’t get stuck to them. There are really no attractants in most of these glue traps. The sticky trap, or glue trap, just captures spiders – if they walk through the trap, they die. But one can’t cover much surface area with a trap, so one has to place them where the spiders are most likely to come to them.

Fly's Control


We are Pune based company who offers highly effective fly control services in the market. Our offered services include treatment & control for various types of flies like house fly, blow flies, fruit flies, drain flies etc. True files are insects of the Order Dipteral possessing a sin gal pair of wings on the mesothorax & a pair of halters, derived from the hind wing, on the met thorax and a pair of halters, derived from the hind wings, on the met thorax. The common housefly is a true fly & is one of the most widely distributed of animals.

Flies can involve through any open medium like doors , windows , balconies into the house . They are probably finding place to settle down which can cause several hygienic and health problems. A housefly transmits various harmful diseases like Tuberculosis , Cholera , Dysentery and Salmonella . There is high rise of transmission of diseases through flies .

Treatment :

1) To control the Flies infection it is very necessary to take proper hygiene and sanitation measures to keep your surrounding clean .
2) The main goal is sanitation is to eradicate the medium where Larva of flies will develop. {Spraying of Larvicide }
3) It is also important to keep your surrounding clean from Garbage and animal waste in order to keep away adult flies. { Spraying if decomposer and adulticide }
4) Flies control treatment includes Anti maggots , Baiting in sugar , Space spraying and Figgins etc .

Tick's Control

Our Tick Prevention Program will reduce the risk of tick bites and diminish the threat of tick-borne diseases on your property. Your technician will identify areas where ticks are most likely to be living and treat those areas strategically in order to reduce tick populations around your property.
In some cases, in addition to the exterior application, an interior service might be required, especially if you have pets that have a history of tick problems.
A liquid spray is the most effective method of tick control and is used in most cases. All tick control treatments will be carried out with your complete safety in mind to ensure health and well-being of you and your family.

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